2541066091 Thermopylae 10-12, Ksanthi ametoglu.humeyra@gmail.com
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Family planning
Hyumeira Amet Oglu Specialist Obstetrician Gynecologist Surgeon

Family planning and contraception are important pillars of the gynecological approach for Dr. Hiumeira Amet Oglou, specialist obstetrician-gynecologist in Xanthi. Based on her expertise and experience, she provides specialized counseling and care to her patients in matters of family planning and contraception.

Family planning focuses on providing choices about when and how many children a couple will have. Based on the needs and preferences of each couple, Dr. Hyumeira Amet Oglu provides information on the different methods of contraception and their effects on health and well-being. Through careful collaboration and specialized consultation, it aims to provide personalized solutions that will meet the needs and preferences of each couple.





As part of family planning, contraception is an important option for preventing unwanted pregnancies. Dr. Hyumeira Amet Oglu offers complete information on the different methods of contraception, including hormonal, non-hormonal, and gradual methods. Based on the individual needs and health history of each patient, she offers personalized counseling and support for choosing the appropriate contraceptive method.

  Overall, family planning and contraception are important areas of gynecological care that Dr. Hyumeira Amet Oglu is committed to providing, offering customized and specialized care for the health and well-being of her patients.  