2541066091 Thermopylae 10-12, Ksanthi ametoglu.humeyra@gmail.com
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Investigation of Infertile couple
Hyumeira Amet Oglu Specialist Obstetrician Gynecologist Surgeon

Infertility investigation and assisted reproduction are critical procedures for couples experiencing difficulties in achieving the desired pregnancy. Dr. Hyumeira Amet Oglou, a specialist obstetrician-gynecological surgeon based in Xanthi, offers advanced diagnostic and treatment options for the investigation of infertility and assisted reproduction.

While investigating infertility, Dr. Hyumeira Amet Oglu uses a variety of advanced medical technologies and tests to detect any pathologies or factors affecting the couple's reproductive capacity.





These tests may include blood tests, hormone profile tests, steroid tests, ultrasounds, and other specialized tests aimed at identifying potential factors affecting infertility.

When assisted reproduction is required, Dr. Hyumeira Amet Oglu provides specialized and customized care. This can include techniques such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), endometrial implantation, insulin resistance, and other forms of assisted reproduction, depending on each couple's needs and situation.

  With her experience and expertise, dr. Hyumeira Amet Oglu is a valuable source of support and care for couples facing reproductive difficulties. With her specialized knowledge and love of humanitarian medicine, she is committed to providing the best possible care for the health and well-being of her patients.  