2541066091 Thermopylae 10-12, Ksanthi ametoglu.humeyra@gmail.com
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Pregnancy Monitoring
Hyumeira Amet Oglou Specialist Obstetrician Gynecologist Surgeon

Pregnancy monitoring is a critical factor in the healthy development of pregnancy and the well-being of both mother and child. Dr. Hyumeira Amet Oglou, a specialized obstetrician-gynecological surgeon based in Xanthi, offers a modern and comprehensive pregnancy monitoring using 3D - 4D ultrasound.

3D - 4D ultrasound is an advanced technology that allows doctors to monitor the development of the fetus precisely and display images in impressive detail. This type of ultrasound provides instant, realistic images of the fetus in the womb and can reveal a lot of information about its health and development.





Through pregnancy monitoring with 3D - 4D ultrasound, Dr. Hyumeira Amet Oglu provides expectant mothers with the opportunity to see their child in a unique way, thus strengthening their emotional connection with their unborn child. In addition, 3D - 4D ultrasound can detect possible health problems or abnormalities in the development of the fetus, thus allowing the medical team to take the necessary measures immediately.


With her combined experience and expertise, dr. Hyumeira Amet Oglu ensures that her patients' pregnancy care is safe, informed and specialized, offering the highest quality of care for expectant mothers and their unborn children.
